As we find our way through the current COVID-19 situation, it becomes increasingly clear how important it is that we work together to keep ourselves, our loved ones and our communities healthy and strong.
If you’ve found yourself struggling with ways to stay physically, emotionally and spiritually healthy while you’re home socially distancing - you’re in the right place. No matter how you’re feeling about the current events, it’s always important to take care of yourself and your health.
Here are our 9 favorite ways that you can practice self-care at home.
This step can really go a long way. Have you ever had those days where you stop for a second and go “I haven’t even eaten today..” because you’re so busy? No matter how busy our days get, it makes a difference to stop every hour and check-in with yourself. How am I doing? Do I need to sit down for 5 minutes? Am I thirsty or hungry? Do I need a mental break? By listening to your body, you can cater to what you ACTUALLY need, rather than the GO GO GO mentality.Action item: Set a series of alarms/reminders in your phone to remind yourself to check in and evaluate your needs.
As Marie Kondo said, “life truly begins when your house is in order”. Since we’re spending more time at home, this might be the best time to take your mind off of what’s going on around you and tackle some of those spring cleaning to-do list items. You’ll feel lighter and more in control of your environment. You don’t have to take on the biggest, baddest projects either - start small by cleaning out and reorganizing the silverware drawer in your kitchen, or getting rid of expired cosmetics and beauty products in your bathroom, or turning old towels into cleaning rags and tidying up your linen closet. Action item: Pick one or two small areas you can declutter or clean out while you’re home this week. Share on social and tag us so we can celebrate with you!
All of the changes around you may be causing feelings of overwhelm, stress and/or anxiety. Or, maybe not. The truth though, is that you don't have to be stressed or overwhelmed to practice mindfulness, although it's proven to be an effective tool for reducing both. So how do you get started if you’ve never done it before? We recommend the Headspace or Calm apps for quick guided meditations you can do anywhere. There are also a ton of meditation resources available on YouTube that can be good for any type of situation you may be experiencing. You can search for all kinds of meditations - type in “meditation to promote sleep” or “meditation to improve financial stress” or “meditation for anxiety” get the idea. Then lay back, listen and follow along.Action item: Find one meditation exercise on YouTube or in one of the recommended apps and commit to 2-3 minutes of meditation each day for the next week.
When we’re home for an extended period of time, it’s really easy to find ourselves wearing pajamas all day long...or a couple of days in a row (who’s counting...). But the reality is, getting out of your jams can actually improve your mood and your mental health. You may not feel like doing the works every day (hair, makeup, outfit, etc) but try to stay consistent about getting dressed every morning. This could be a fresh pair of yoga pants or your favorite sweatshirt, it doesn’t have to be your best digs, but intentionally resetting your day will pay dividends on your mental health.Action item: Set a goal to get dressed each day for the next week….and do it!
Sounds silly, but trust us, it works. This is a great way to remind yourself of the small (but happy!) things that come into your life on a daily basis. Get an empty jar or container and a stack of small squares of paper, and as you’re going through your day, write anything down on one of the pieces of paper that brought joy, happiness or a smile to your face. These things can be as a text from a friend that made you laugh or the extra time you had to read from your favorite book. Each time you write something down, add it to the jar. At the end of the week, read through all of the happiness that came your way. It’s a great practice for focusing on the positive and choosing joy. Have kids? Get them involved too! Action item: Create your happiness jar and start filling it up!
When you’re trying to avoid the stores, take advantage of online ordering and delivery services that are in place to help make that easier for you. Amazon is still offering subscribe and save options on household products, instacart is available for grocery delivery and All Girl Shave Club can deliver your razors and shaving products on a schedule that works for you! As a small business, we encourage you to support other small businesses that are feeling the impacts of the coronavirus when possible. There are lots of small businesses that are offering their products and services online now so that they can continue to serve you and stay in business. By ordering from them, not only will you be free to stay home, but you’ll also receive lots of good karma for supporting small business! :)Action item: Next time you are in need of a product, check online and see if you can support a small business selling it. Use code SMALL10 for 10% off any order you place at All Girl Shave Club.
We know, we know, but no one wants to get sick - whether that’s the flu, coronavirus or a pesky cold. Wash those hands on the regular and avoid touching your face. Have you suddenly realized how often you actually touch your face? Try wearing a jingly bracelet that will alert you of the movement before you touch. Or, keep a strong-scented oil or lotion on your hands for an aromatic alarm! If you haven’t already, take a second to wipe down door handles and light switches with disinfectant to keep germs at bay.Action item: Disinfect high touch areas in your home, wash your hands regularly and try one of the “hand alarms” suggested to avoid touching your face.
While we can’t go out to some of the places we usually go to, that doesn’t mean we can’t leave our house completely! You can and should, get outside every day. Go for a walk, ride your bike or play a game with your kids in the yard. Being in nature is so impactful when it comes to finding peace and relieving stress. Moving your body is a double whammy in the self-care bucket! If you’re not up to any strenuous outdoor activity, find a quiet place to read a book or journal your thoughts and experiences from the day. Take a nap in the sun (if it’s warm enough where you are) or listen to music or a good podcast. Action item: Take time to get outside as frequently as you can. A quick walk around the block or sit on a deck or patio for a few minutes of fresh air.
Socially distancing doesn’t mean cutting off all forms of social interaction….it just means temporarily avoiding physical social interaction. Make use of all of the technology that’s available to you to stay connected with friends and family. FaceTime, Skype, Google Hangouts and Zoom are all great (and free!) ways to have face to face connection without leaving the house. Missing a birthday party or other small event? Consider having it virtually! Set up a zoom room and invite your friends to get together to chat, connect and reduce the feelings of isolation. Action item: Use technology to connect “face to face” with a friend or family member at least once a week. Schedule it on your calendar so it becomes non-negotiable. There’s healing power in human connection.
...and if all else fails, lock yourself in your closet with a bag of chocolate. That should do the trick. Stay happy, stay healthy.
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