We all know that winter weather tends to dry out our skin, and there are lots of products on the market that help combat that quickly and easily. But what about our hair? Here are 6 tips to keep your hair soft, shiny and nourished this holiday season!
Don’t wash your hair every day. It sounds counter-productive, doesn’t it? Is the secret to beautiful, shiny hair really to not wash it? It’s true. Shampoo is designed to trap oils, so if you shampoo too frequently, you run the risk of drying your hair out. Dry shampoo is a great alternative to washing and can save you time in the morning as well. Our favorite dry shampoos are Batiste, Dove, and Kenra. Just spray a little bit onto your roots and gently massage into the scalp. It instantly absorbs any excess oil and leaves your hair feeling soft and smelling clean.
Deep condition your hair once a month with a deep treatment hair mask. Our favorite is Nelson J Haircare’s Argan Oil Hair Mask (featured in our November & December discovery boxes!). This coconut-scented treatment can be applied after washing your hair, while it’s still wet. Leave it on for 5-7 minutes and set under a warm dryer. The argan and coconut oils seep into the hair follicles to add hydration. This leaves your hair feeling soft, shiny and fully nourished. We’re not the only ones crushing on Nelson J. Haircare, check out this segment on CBS LA on how their products are improving dry and damaged hair!
When you do wash, scrub! Just like it’s good to exfoliate your legs prior to shaving, it’s also good to exfoliate your scalp once in a while too. Check out Christophe Robin’s Cleansing Purifying Scrub With Sea Salt, it’s a detoxifying shampoo and scalp exfoliator which deeply cleanses, removes build-up such as dry shampoo, and soothes sensitive, flaky or oily scalps.
Don’t skip the spinach! Take care of your hair by taking care of your body. You’ve heard it a million times before, but maintaining overall health will help keep your hair healthy too. Eating foods that are rich in vitamins and nutrients help target hair health. Fruits and vegetables such as spinach, kale, avocados, and carrots are naturally high in essential vitamins and nutrients, so don’t skimp on them! Also, staying hydrated (drinking lots of water – not soda, juice or coffee) is good practice for overall health.
Use heat protection. If you are blow drying or using a flat or curling iron, don’t forget to protect your hair first. A heat protectant like Argan Oil Thermal Shield will provide that barrier to protect your hair and give you the opportunity to use heat tools without worry. Also, make sure your hair is completely dry before using other hot tools like a curling or flat iron. Using heat tools on wet hair can cause your hair to cook from the inside out which leaves it more dry, brittle and fragile.
Add a little silk. Switch up your hair ties and replace them with a silk scrunchie like these found on Amazon ($9 for a pack of 5). These cuties don’t leave dents in your hair and are easy to place and take out, greatly reducing hair damage. Since we’re on the topic of silk, change out your pillowcase with a silk variety to prevent damage while you sleep. When you move around while sleeping, your hair rubs against the pillowcase and can get bunched up and knotted. Ultimately, this results in more styling in the morning. If you opt for silk, it’s not as hard on your hair while you’re sleeping, and reduces the amount of styling time needed as well. A win-win for time management and for hair health!
With these tips, you can enjoy beautiful, healthy hair this holiday season (and every season!). Want to win a Holiday Hair Duo? We’ve teamed up with Nelson J Haircare to offer our followers the chance to win one of TWO bundles valued at over $150! Enter for your chance to win here!
Have some other holiday hair tips? Post them below!
Giveaway ends on 12/15/18 at 5:00 am. This post contains affiliate links, which means if you make a purchase off one of the links contained here, we may earn a small commission from the seller at no cost to you. All opinions and products suggested here are our own. If we don’t love it, we won’t share it!
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